Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza: NAM calls for ensuring peace and stability in the world

The Mid-Term Ministerial Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), titled “Promoting International Peace and Security for Sustainable Development”, in Baku was very effective, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza noted, Trend reports.

Arreaza noted that  important discussions were held at the Mid-Term Ministerial Conference.

According to him,  NAM calls for ensuring peace and stability in the world, respect for the principles of international law, non-interference in the internal affairs of countries, and cessation of conflicts.

“Our goal is this, and therefore we are here and discuss these issues,” Arreaza said.

The minister expressed his gratitude to Azerbaijan for hosting the event. Arreaza noted that Azerbaijan makes a significant contribution to the maintenance of peace and stability in the world.

NAM includes 120 states. Seventeen states and 10 international organizations have an observer status in NAM.

In 2019, the Republic of Azerbaijan will host the 18th Summit of NAM and will be chairing NAM in 2019-2022.

Efsane Elesgerli,
“Khalg qazeti”


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