To the Hashimovs

Dear Gasim Hashimov,
An untimely death of your son, an outstanding Azerbaijani chess player, three-time champion of the country, grandmaster Vugar Hashimov has been a source of great sorrow to me.
Vugar Hashimov’s services before the Azerbaijani sports are matchless. He made incomparable contribution to development of Azerbaijan’s chess school, and glorified the country with his brilliant victories.
The Azerbaijani people, the country’s sports community had been proud of one of the world’s best chess players and talented athletes, and had been expecting new victories from him.
Death took Vugar Hashimov away very early when he was experiencing the most prosperous period of his talent.
But his vivid memory will always live on the minds of the Azerbaijani people and all fans.
I share your grief in this hard time, and offer my sincere condolences to you, Aida khanim and all members of your family.”


Ilham Aliyev
President of Republic of Azerbaijan
Baku, January 13, 2014


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