From Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations

It is my great pleasure to extend to you and to the Government and people of the Republic of Azerbaijan my warmest congratulations on the National Holiday.
As each country celebrates its individual culture, history and achievements, it is important to acknowledge the ties that bind us in our increasingly interconnected world. All member States – regardless of size or wealth – have an essential role to play in forging a better tomorrow for people and the planet.
The United Nations is the principal arena for creating a more secure and sustainable future. We have achieved much in resent years, including the global mobilization in support of the Millennium Development Goals. Yet much needs to be done to meet the 2015 deadline, and much work will remain in the period after as we pursue a new set of sustainable development goals and a post-2015 development agenda.
Your country`s active engagement in the work of the Organization in crucial in advancing our common goals of peace, development and human rights for all.
Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations

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