From Vladimir Vasilyev, Acting Head of the Republic of Dagestan of the Russian Federation

His Excellency Mr. Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Dear Ilham Heydar oglu,

I congratulate you and the friendly people of Azerbaijan on the occasion of the State Independence Day. This holiday embodies solidarity, peace and stability in the society, the Azerbaijani people`s loyalty to their traditions of historical unity and determination to revive and strengthen their state.

The Independent Republic of Azerbaijan has made great strides in economic and social fields, improvement of citizens` welfare and become a factor of stability and peace in the Caucasus region in a short period of time. Of course, it is Your Excellency`s well-balanced foreign and domestic policy that lies behind these positive results.

Dear Ilham Heydar oglu, I wish you and all the people of Azerbaijan success in your endeavors, as well as peace, prosperity and welfare.




Vladimir Vasilyev

Acting Head of the Republic of Dagestan of the Russian Federation

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