From Gordon Birrell, BP Regional President, Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey

His Excellency Mr Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Dear Mr. President,

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the occasion of your birthday. I wish you and your family good health and prosperity.

Taking this opportunity, I would also like to congratulate you and the people of Azerbaijan on the occasion of the Solidarity Day of World Azerbaijanis and the New Year. I convey my best wishes for continued success and well-being to you and the people of Azerbaijan.

We at BP attach great importance to Azerbaijan and are very proud of our presence here, for nearly 25 years. Over the course of these years, we have delivered significant world-scale projects in the region. This would have been impossible without your leadership and support. We also highly appreciate the cooperation with the Government of Azerbaijan and SOCAR and look forward to continuing this fruitful and sustainable relationship in the future.

Yours sincerely,


Gordon Birrell,
BP Regional President, Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey

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