From Filip Vujanovic, President of Montenegro

His Excellency Mr Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Dear Mr. President,

I would like to extend my cordial congratulations on the occasion of 25th Anniversary of Restoration of Independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan, October 18. I wish continued advance of Azerbaijan along prosperity for its people.

During the last 25 years, indeed not a very long time in history, Azerbaijan has ahieved admirable results in all fields, starting with economy to social stability and prosperity of its citizens. At the same time its global influence has risen to a very high level. Azerbaijan today is a factor of stability in the world and as such highly respected among all who crave for freedom and peace.

Dear Mr President,

It is beyond any doubt that the policy you personally have been pursuing for all these years have been securing such positive outcomes.

I take up the opportunity to stress, on this important occasion, that the relations between our countries are excellent at all levels. I am confident that cooperation between our states and nations will continue to grow in the forthcoming years.

Esteemed Mr President, I wish you good health, family happiness and success in performing your high duty.

Please accept the assurances of my highest consideration.


Filip Vujanovic
President of Montenegro

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