From Ramil Hasanov, Secretary General of Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States

His Excellency Mr. llham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Dear Mr. President,

On behalf of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States and on my own behalf, I heartily congratulate you on the occasion of October 18 — State Independence Day of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

On the 25th anniversary of the restoration of the state independence, I am honored to see – under your wise leadership – influential international standing of the Republic of Azerbaijan, of which I am always proud to be a citizen.

I want to particularly express my confidence that the people of Azerbaijan will in the best way preserve this great asset as they have done to the present day.

Mr. President, on this remarkable day, I extend my best regards to Your Excellency and wish all the people of Azerbaijan welfare, good health and happiness.

Best regards,

Ramil Hasanov
Secretary General of Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States

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