From Shimon Lankri, Mayor of Acre city, State of Israel


Dear Mr. President 

With a huge and heavy pain in my heart I received the information about the terrible and awful tragedy that took place in the capital of Azerbaijan – Baku city, where there are a lot of victims as a result of a terrible fire that broke out in one of the residential buildings. It killed 16 people, including young children and severely hurt adults.

In this difficult time of grief and pain of the Azerbaijani people, on behalf of the State of Israel, on behalf of the people of Israel, on behalf of the Acre`s municipality council, on behalf of Azerbaijani community in Acre city, on behalf of my family I want to convey to you my sincere condolences and express my deep and sincere sympathy to the families of the victims.

A few months ago I had honor to visit Azerbaijan and personally felt the warmth and hospitality, tolerance and multiculturalism spirit of the Azerbaijani people. That is why I related to this terrible tragedy as to my personal pain and great loss.

On behalf of the State of Israel, on behalf of the people of Israel, on behalf of the Acre`s municipality council, on behalf of a large Azerbaijani community in the city of Acre and on behalf of myself I`d like to convey our sincere regret and my deep sympathy and solidarity with the Azerbaijani people in these hard moments.

Today the State of Israel and the Municipality of Acre are sharing the grief with Azerbaijan and the Azerbaijani people.


Best Regards

Doctor Shimon Lankri

Mayor of Acre city

State of Israel

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