“Khojaly Monument and Khojaly Museum” Complex inaugurated in Kizilcahamam, Turkey

A ceremony to open “Khojaly Monument and Khojaly Museum” Complex has been held in Kizilcahamam in the Turkish capital of Ankara.
Co-organized by Azerbaijan` Embassy and Kizilcahamam Municipality, the ceremony marked March 31 – the Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis.
The event was attended by head of the Socio-Political Affairs Department at the Azerbaijani President`s Administration Ali Hasanov, director of Azerbaijan Institute of History, MP Yagub Mahmudov, MP Javanshir Feyziyev, head of Kizilcahamam Municipality Coskun Unal, head of Kizilcahamam Executive Authorities Mustafa Cit, and head of Directorate at the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tahsin Tunc Ugdul, as well as heads and representatives of the diplomatic corps and international organizations in Ankara, local political and public figures, Azerbaijani students, and journalists.
Speaking to the ceremony, Ali Hasanov thanked the Turkish government and leadership of Kizilcahamam for assistance in erecting the memorial. He said Khojaly genocide was “a common pain of the entire Turkic world”, stressing the necessity of making the truth about the Armenians` crimes known to the world community. Hasanov said there were three Khojaly monuments in Turkey, adding eight municipal assemblies of the country have recognized Khojaly tragedy as an act of genocide. He expressed hope that the Grand National Assembly of Turkey would also recognize Khojaly tragedy as genocide some day.
Azerbaijani Ambassador Faig Baghırov said the youth had a big role to play in promoting the international community`s awareness of the Armenians` crimes against the Azerbaijani people.
Other speakers included director of Azerbaijan Institute of History Yagub Mahmudov, head of Kizilcahamam Municipality Coskun Unal, and head of Kizilcahamam Executive Authorities Mustafa Cit.


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