Khojaly tragedy recognized as act of genocide at session of Islamic Summit Conference

Khojaly tragedy was recognized as an act of genocide and crime against humanity at the 12th session of the Islamic Summit Conference, the highest body of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, held with the participation of OIC Heads of State in Cairo, the capital of Egypt.
Representative of the Islamic Conference Youth Forum for Dialogue and Cooperation (ICYF-DC) Elmaddin Mehdiyev attending the Cairo Summit said the above-mentioned decision was included into the Final Communiqué of the Summit by consensus of all member states.
“Justice for Khojaly” international campaign established by ICYF-DC Chief Coordinator for Intercultural Dialogue Leyla Aliyeva was welcomed by the leaders of 57 countries on the above-mentioned Communiqué’s paragraph titled “Humanitarian issues”. This paragraph calls “The massacre committed by Armenia’s military forces in Khojaly town in February, 1992 as a genocide and crime against humanity”.
The above-mentioned paragraph calls on the member-states to participate actively in the campaign’s activities and make efforts to recognize this genocide on the national and international levels.
“Justice for Khojaly” International Awareness Campaign was initiated by Leyla Aliyeva, ICYF-DC Chief Coordinator for Intercultural Dialogue on May 8, 2008, the day when Shusha was occupied.


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