Khojaly resident`s silent appeal

Azerbaijanis living in US have launched a petition for recognition the war crime of the Khojaly Massacre and its victims by President Barack Obama administration on the White House website.
The petition launched in the “We the people” page created within the website intends to collect signatures for reviewing the petition by the administration.
The Azerbaijani State Telegraph Agency has launched the silent appeal of Khojaly resident Hamail Khalilova. The Khojaly resident calls the people to sign the petition on the White House website. The appeal which is accompanied by the photos of the Khojaly tragedy states: “I was five years old then. I have lost all my family members-my mother, father and sister in Khojaly… But now You-all the peace loving people are my family.”
“Support me and sign this petition, please!” the appeal adds. AzerTAc also calls you to take part in this campaign.
Note that, more than 100.000 signatures are needed till February 25 for reviewing the petition by the US administration.
You can sign the petition at


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