Khojaly monument to be unveiled in Izmit

Construction of the monument erected in memory of the victims of the Khojaly genocide in Izmit, Turkey is nearing completion.
On April 22, the monument will be unveiled in the presence of Azerbaijani and Turkish officials.
"Monument to victims of Khojaly" was constructed according to the protocol signed between the Izmit Municipality and Turkey-Azerbaijan Associations Federation (TADEF), the State Committee for Work with Diaspora reported.
The height of the monument in Yenisheher District is of 2.5 meters. A short information about the Khojaly genocide as well as symbols glorifying Azerbaijani and Turkish friendship have been replaced on the monument standing on the pillars describing the immortality of the martyrs.
In addition, names of 613 people killed in Khojaly have been engraved on the edges of the boards of the monument.


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