
Khojaly monument to be unveiled in Izmit

24.04.2015 | Readed: 2865

Construction of the monument erected in memory of the victims of the Khojaly genocide in Izmit, Turkey is nearing......

US Congressman Steve Cohen commemorates Khojaly massacre victims

11.03.2015 | Readed: 2829

US Congressman Steve Cohen has commemorated the victims of the Khojaly massacre as he made remarks at the Congress. “This week marks the 23rd anniversary of a terrible event in the history of Azerbaijan: the massacre of hundreds of people in the town of......

U.S. State of Utah recognizes Khojaly massacre

04.03.2015 | Readed: 2682

The Governor of the U.S. State of Utah Gary Herbert signed a letter on March 2, 2015 recognizing and condemning the Khojaly massacre, which was committed by Armenia against Azerbaijani civilians in 1992. In his letter,......

U.S. congressman makes statement on Khojaly tragedy

28.02.2015 | Readed: 2716

Congressman from the state of Montana Ryan Zinke has issued a statement on the 23rd anniversary of the Khojaly tragedy at the US Congress. According to Zinke despite attempts to understate the real extent of the Khojaly tragedy, 613 Azerbaijani civilians......

New collection of books and videos about Khojaly Genocide published by initiative of vice-president of Heydar Aliyev Foundation Leyla Aliyeva

27.02.2015 | Readed: 2642

A new collection of books and videos reflecting the truths about the Khojaly Genocide has been published as part of the “Justice for Khojaly” campaign initiated by vice-president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Leyla Aliyeva. The collection “Justice for......

Sudan recognizes Khojaly massacre as an act of genocide

09.09.2014 | Readed: 2851

The Foreign Affairs Committee of Sudan`s National Assembly has made a statement describing the Khojaly tragedy as an act of genocide. The statement recognizes “the mass massacre of Azerbaijani civilians in the town of Khojaly in February 1992 as an act of......

“Khojaly Monument and Khojaly Museum” Complex inaugurated in Kizilcahamam, Turkey

29.03.2014 | Readed: 3362

A ceremony to open “Khojaly Monument and Khojaly Museum” Complex has been held in Kizilcahamam in the Turkish capital of Ankara. Co-organized by Azerbaijan` Embassy and Kizilcahamam Municipality, the ceremony marked March......

Indiana Senate recognizes Khojaly genocide

05.03.2014 | Readed: 4179

The Senate of Indiana, the United States, has adopted a resolution recognizing the Khojaly tragedy as genocide. The resolution says that on the night of 25-26 February 1992, Armenian armed forces occupied the Azerbaijani town......

US-based Turk of America magazine issues article on Khojaly genocide

27.02.2014 | Readed: 4235

“Turk of America” magazine of the US-based Turkish diaspora has issued an article titled “A terrible tragedy happened 22 years ago in Khojaly, Azerbaijan” by editor-in-chief of “Khalq” (People) newspaper Hasan Hasanov and......

Heydar Aliyev Center’s Khojaly Genocide brochure translated into Korean

30.01.2014 | Readed: 3586

Khojaly Genocide brochure, made by the Heydar Aliyev Center, has been translated into Korean from its original English version. Translated by the Azerbaijani Embassy, the brochure was printed in 5,000 copies and will be......

OIC Foreign Ministers Council recognizes Khojaly tragedy as genocide

13.12.2013 | Readed: 4213

The 40th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation held in Conakry, Republic of Guinea adopted a resolution introduced by the OIC Youth Forum for Dialogue and Cooperation on the activity of this organization - a move......

Oklahoma State Senate recognizes Khojaly massacre

06.03.2013 | Readed: 3551

The Senate of the State of Oklahoma has adopted a resolution recognizing the Khojaly massacre at its first session. The document highlights the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the occupation of Khojaly by Armenian armed forces with the help of......

‘Azerbaijan regards plans to re-open Khojaly airport as Armenia`s provocation’

22.02.2013 | Readed: 3450

Azerbaijan regards plans to re-open the Khojaly airport as Armenia`s provocation against international law and negotiations to settle the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Novruz Mammadov, deputy head of Azerbaijan`s Presidential Administration, chairman of the department......

YAP Youth Wing addresses Khojaly appeal to U.S. Department of State agencies

22.02.2013 | Readed: 3489

Youth Wing of the New Azerbaijan Party has addressed an appeal to agencies of the U.S. Department of State and human rights defenders in the country as part of the Justice for Khojaly campaign. In the appeal, young members of YAP call on the world community......

New Europe analytic resource writes about MEPs` concern over Armenia`s plan to re-open Khojaly airport

21.02.2013 | Readed: 3412

The influential "New Europe" analytic media resource writes that members of the European Parliament (MEP) expressed their concern about the provocative plans of the Armenian regime to re-open the Khojaly airport in the occupied Nagorno-Karabakh region of......

Khojaly tragedy recognized as act of genocide at session of Islamic Summit Conference

09.02.2013 | Readed: 3331

Khojaly tragedy was recognized as an act of genocide and crime against humanity at the 12th session of the Islamic Summit Conference, the highest body of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, held with the participation of OIC Heads of State in Cairo, the......

Germany, Ukraine make joint request to US President and UN Secretary General on 21st anniversary of Khojaly Massacre

09.02.2013 | Readed: 3383

Head of the Central Council of Azerbaijani Diaspora in Germany, Tengis Sade Baron zu Romkerhall in the frames of visit to Kiev has meet with the Ukraine Azerbaijani Congress executives board chairman Khagani Huseynov, head of the culture department Gurban Abbasov......

Khojaly resident`s silent appeal

06.02.2013 | Readed: 2978

Azerbaijanis living in US have launched a petition for recognition the war crime of the Khojaly Massacre and its victims by President Barack Obama administration on the White House website. The petition launched in the “We the people” page created......

House of Representatives of New Mexico recognizes Khojaly Massacre

02.02.2013 | Readed: 3280

On January 31, New Mexico House of Representatives adopted a resolution on recognition of the Khojaly massacre. The author of the House bill is the congresswoman Debbie Rodella. The document speaks about the nature of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between......


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