‘People-government, government-people unity again destroyed enemies` treacherous plans’

“The attempt of radical religious extremist elements armed with sharp and cutting tools to break stability in the city of Ganja, killing two police officers reveals the true essence of the terrorist act committed against head of Ganja district Executive Authority Elmar Valiyev on July 3 and reaffirms the preliminary conclusion regarding the investigation into the case,” political analyst Elchin Mirzabayli has told AZERTAC as he commented on Ganja events.

“Some states that are governed by feudal laws and radical extremist religious groups under their control, which turned the sacred values of Islam into a subject of so-called religious-political ideology, are not satisfied with the fact that our state embarked on a model of secular, democratic development 100 years ago and cannot tolerate the transformation of the modern Azerbaijan into the center of religious and national tolerance and intercivilizational dialogue.”

Mirzabayli emphasized that another factor that frustrates the enemies of Azerbaijan is the achievements the country made in a short period of time, the success of the projects implemented on the initiative and with involvement of Azerbaijan, and Azerbaijan’s becoming not only a regional, sub-regional but even a global player.

He hailed people`s showing unity and solidarity in response to Ganja events. “The people-government, government-people unity once again destroyed the treacherous plans of the enemies,” Mirzabayli added.

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