American expert: Azerbaijan’s election experience – a role model for other countries

The election experience of the young and independent Azerbaijan is a role model for a number of countries, Jason Katz, an American expert to monitor the presidential election in Azerbaijan, head of Tool Shed Group, told the Election 2018 Independent Media Center. Katz noted that he monitored the parliamentary election in Azerbaijan back in 2015.

“Then, I was an observer actively participating in the electoral process. I talked to the people and got in touch with them. I monitored all the processes. No violations were registered at the polling stations that we monitored,” Katz said.

He said the current electoral process is also organized at a high level. Katz expressed his confidence that the election will be held in a free and democratic atmosphere this time too.

“The election experience of the young and independent Azerbaijan is a role model for a number of countries. Particularly, other countries may also benefit from the experience of installing web cameras at the polling stations. Based on my observations, I can say that the people will freely vote for their candidates tomorrow on the election day,” Katz said.

Eight candidates were registered for the April 11 presidential election in Azerbaijan. On the voting day, 5,426 permanent polling stations and 215 temporary polling stations in 125 constituencies will operate in the country.

Aliqismet BADALOV,
“Khalq qazeti”


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