ELS-Independent Research Center announces public survey results

ELS Independent Research Center has conducted a sociological survey on the eve of the 2018 presidential election in Azerbaijan to assess the current socio-political situation, voter turnout, and the population’s attitudes to the current issues.

Irada Yagubova, chair of the center, noted that the survey was conducted through interviews with 1580 respondents in 68 regions of the country.

The survey revealed that 94.3 per cent of the respondents assessed the current socio-political situation in Azerbaijan as stable. 94.1 per cent said they approve of President Ilham Aliyev`s foreign policy. On the domestic policy, the majority (86 per cent) said they are satisfied with it.

About 94.1 per cent of respondents support the foreign policy of President Ilham Aliyev, the survey says.

The vast majority of respondents in Baku - 84.1 per cent – said they will vote for President Ilham Aliyev, while 0.2 per cent for other candidates. 9.2 per cent of those involved in the survey said they did not decide whom to vote for.

The poll also revealed that 65.3 percent of the respondents highly appreciate the policy pursued by the Azerbaijani President over the past years to address the Nagorno-Karabakh problem.


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