Russian President's Special Representative: Under Ilham Aliyev Azerbaijan will make even greater success

“I am sure that under President Ilham Aliyev`s leadership, Azerbaijan will make even greater success,” Mikhail Shvydkoi, the Russian President's Special Representative for International Cultural Cooperation, has told AZERTAC’s special correspondent.

“The years of presidency of Ilham Aliyev saw Azerbaijan make great strides. Now Azerbaijan is a modern, dynamically developing country which respects fundamental principles of human existence and is held in great respect worldwide.”

“I congratulate Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev on his 55th jubilee.”

Shvydkoi said: “The Azerbaijani President’s birthday is marked not only in Azerbaijan or Russia, not only by Azerbaijanis, but also by everyone who loves Ilham Aliyev and respects his family.”


Farida Abdullayeva
Special Correspondent

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