Azerbaijan’s Food Safety Agency to control quality of salt, grain

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has signed a decree on amending the "Decree on Ensuring the Implementation of the Law of Azerbaijan on Salt Iodization for the Purpose of Mass Prevention of Iodine Deficiency Diseases", dated Sept. 27, 2003.

In accordance with the decree, the powers of the relevant executive authority, as envisaged in Article 6.2 of the "Law on Salt Iodization for the Purpose of Mass Prevention of Iodine Deficiency Diseases”, will be implemented by the Food Safety Agency.

Thus, the Agency will carry out examination of salt samples to determine the compliance of quality and safety indicators of iodized salt with standards and requirements.

The Azerbaijani president has also signed a decree on amending the "Decree on Ensuring the Implementation of the Law of Azerbaijan on Grain”, dated Oct. 23, 2003.

Thus, the Food Safety Agency will receive the powers of the Economy Ministry and the Healthcare Ministry to carry out state control over the quality of grain products and hygienic registration in the state registry of grain processing products.

Both decrees come into force July 1, 2018.

Masaim Abdullayev,

“Khalq qazeti”


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