
Representatives of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology visit Baku State University

25.12.2010 | Readed: 1751

Prof. Timofey Kondranin and Prof. Mikhail Trunin from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) visited the Baku State University. While meeting with MP and rector of the Baku State University Abel Maharramov, Prof. Timofey Kondranin said it would be excellent to......

Delegation of Baku State University visits Republic of Korea

23.12.2010 | Readed: 1776

A delegation of Baku State University led by Rector Abel Maharramov has visited the Republic of Korea. During the visit, the delegation visited country`s four universities in Seoul and Daejeon towns. Rector of Baku State University, MP, academician Abel Maharramov had meetings in......

Baku State University`s rector meets WB representative

10.12.2010 | Readed: 1717

Rector of the Baku State University, MP Abel Maharramov met specialist of the World Bank on science, technology and innovation, President of the Group of Companies of Innovos, Carlos Caesar Yammal on Wednesday. Maharramov briefed Carlos Caesar Yammal on the activity and international......

Baku hosts international scientific conference

28.11.2010 | Readed: 1686

An international scientific conference on the theme "Dialogue between Civilizations: View from Azerbaijan : linguistics, pedagogy and literary aspects" is underway at the Azerbaijan University of Languages, AUL. Rector of the university Samad Seyidov said the conference, which brought......

ANAS, French National Center for Scientific Research sign cooperation agreement

27.11.2010 | Readed: 1798

Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) and the French National Center for Scientific Research have signed an agreement to implement a series of new projects. In an interview with AzerTAc, ANAS President Mahmud Karimov said: "We signed our first agreement with the French National......

ADA`s library to cooperate with Alexandria Library

21.11.2010 | Readed: 1771

Library of Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy (ADA) will cooperate with the Alexandria Library. An agreement was reached during a meeting between ADA`s rector Hafiz Pashayev and Director of the Library of Alexandria Ismail Serageldin. Pashayev familiarized Serageldin with ADA`s plans to......

Pakistani National Management College staff visit Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy

07.11.2010 | Readed: 1765

Senior and mid-level public servants from Pakistan, studying at the National Management College (NMC) visited Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy (ADA) to acquire information on the developments of the institution and its future plans. According to the Academy, the visitors were told on courses......

3rd international education fair kicks off in Baku

07.11.2010 | Readed: 1746

The 3rd international education fair organized by the Kaspi Education Center opened here on November 6th. INTO, CEG (Cambridge Education Group), University of Sheffield, University of East Anglia are among the participants. The visitors got information on education programs and......

Baku unites world`s philologists

23.10.2010 | Readed: 1804

The 4th conference on comparative study of literature and 1st symposium on teaching Turkish languages and literature to the memory of people`s poet Bakhtiyar Bahabzade started in Baku. The events are held with support of Baku Slavonic University (BSU), Azerbaijan Association of Comparative......

Baku hosts forum of CIS rectors of humanitarian universities and deans of humanitarian faculties

13.10.2010 | Readed: 1724

A forum of CIS rectors of humanitarian universities and deans of humanitarian faculties started in Baku State University (BSU). Rector of Baku Slavonic University (BSU) Kamal Abdullayev welcomed the participants. He said 30 delegations from more than 20 universities of Commonwealth......

Azerbaijani education workers awarded prizes

10.10.2010 | Readed: 1749

An awarding ceremony of the education workers took place in Azerbaijan Education Ministry. Minister Misir Mardanov congratulated education workers and wished them success. Under the presidential order, one man got Presidential scholarship, 3 people were awarded with Shohret order, 70......

Heydar Aliyev Foundation opens three schools in Georgia after major repairs

25.09.2010 | Readed: 1776

The inauguration of three secondary schools in Georgia which have been repaired with funding of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation was held in Tbilisi. As part of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation's Support to Education Project Mirza Fatali Akhundzadeh secondary school #73 in Tbilisi,......

Turkish scientist visits Baku State University

17.09.2010 | Readed: 1820

On September 16th Turkish scientist Orhan Cekic visited the Baku State University, where he met with students. Cekic stressed the historical unity between Turkey and Azerbaijan. He spoke of liberation of Baku by Caucasus Islam Army and Azerbaijani troops from bolshevik-dashnak......

Latvian ex-president visits Economic University

17.09.2010 | Readed: 2586

On September 16th Former Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga visited the Azerbaijan State Economic University. The rector of the University Shamsaddin Hajiyev briefed the guest on the history and activity of the University.




Heydar Aliyev Foundation's president Mehriban Aliyeva visits newly-reconstructed school in Baku

08.09.2010 | Readed: 1855

Azerbaijan's First Lady, President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, UNESCO and ISESCO goodwill ambassador, MP Mehriban Aliyeva has today visited secondary school No. 236 in Badamdar settlement in Baku, which was completely overhauled under the auspices of the Foundation. The......

MSU rector visits Baku branch

03.09.2010 | Readed: 1761

On September 2nd rector of the Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) Viktor Sadovnichy visited the higher educational institution's Baku branch where he met Rector Nargiz Pashayeva. Sadovnichy is part of a delegation accompanying Russian President Dmitry Medvedev who is on an......

Azeri education minister meets students entered world's leading universities

21.08.2010 | Readed: 1730

Azerbaijan's minister of education Misir Mardanov met students, who entered the world's leading universities within the "State program on education of Azerbaijani young people in abroad for 2007-2015". Mr. Mardanov said up to now, 512 Azerbaijani young people get higher......

‘Russia is ready to continue fruitful cooperation with Azerbaijan in field of education'

21.08.2010 | Readed: 1803

Russian Embassy to Azerbaijan hosted a ceremony of seeing-off young Azerbaijan citizens who have won a scholarship to study in Russian institutes of higher education on August 20. The Ambassador of Russia to Azerbaijan Vladimir Dorokhin made a speech at the event. "Russian colleges and......

Entrants visit Baku branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University

04.08.2010 | Readed: 1908

New entrants have visited the Baku branch of the Moscow State University after Lomonosov. (MSU). They met members of an examining board and teachers and professors at the MSU. Speaking to the event, Nargiz Pashayeva, rector of the MSU`s Baku Branch, congratulated the university......

RF youth delegation visits Baku State University

20.07.2010 | Readed: 1723

A delegation of the Russian Federation's youth has visited the Baku State University. In meeting, the members of delegation were informed about the history of the first higher educational institution of the independent Azerbaijan, its foreign relations and cooperation spheres.......

Heydar Aliyev Foundation's President meets INALCO rector

14.07.2010 | Readed: 1694

President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, UNESCO and ISESCO Goodwill Ambassador, MP Mehriban Aliyeva met Jacques Legrand, rector of the Paris-based National Institute of Languages and Oriental Civilizations (INALCO). Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva expressed confidence that Legrand`s visit to......

INALCO president visits Baku State University

13.07.2010 | Readed: 1806

On July 12th Jacques Legrand, President of the National Institute of Languages and Oriental Civilizations in Paris (INALCO) visited the Baku State University where he met rector, MP Abel Maharramov. The rector briefed Legrand on the university's workings, including international......

Norwegian ambassador visits Azerbaijan University of Languages

08.07.2010 | Readed: 1743

Norway's outgoing ambassador Jon Ramberg has visited the Azerbaijan University of Languages (AUL) where he met rector Samad Seyidov. They discussed educational cooperation between the two countries, in particular AUL`s relations with Norwegian universities. Ramberg thanked the......

Former EANA President to give lectures at Baku State University

07.07.2010 | Readed: 1738

Former president of the European Alliance of News Agencies Wolfgang Vyslozil will give lectures at the Baku State University (BSU). It was agreed during Vyslozil`s meeting with BSU rector Abel Maharramov. The two also exchanged views on education system in Azerbaijan, European education......

BSU and CIS International Innovation Center for Nanotechnology sign memo

06.07.2010 | Readed: 1693

The Baku State University and CIS International Innovation Center for Nanotechnology have signed a memorandum. The document envisages participation in joint international programs and projects as well conduct of symposiums, seminars and conferences. Before signing the memorandum,......

Azerbaijani scientist honored with Europe's honored scientist title and Robert Koch medal

03.07.2010 | Readed: 1829

The European Scientific Society and European Academy of Natural History bestowed "Europe's honored scientist" title and Robert Koch medal upon chief of the human anatomy department at the Azerbaijan Medical University Vagif Shadlinsky who was in Hannover, Germany to deliver a......

"Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability" International Conference due in Baku

02.07.2010 | Readed: 1956

International Conference "Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability" will be held in Baku, from July 24 to 30, 2011. The conference will be a great occasion for discussions of previous, present, and future research on photosynthesis, from molecular to global, and will provide an exiting......

Azerbaijan University of Languages to open Austrian library

18.06.2010 | Readed: 1731

The Azerbaijan University of Languages and Austrian embassy to the country will sign Thursday a contract on opening of the Austrian library at the University. The contract will be signed by rector of the University, professor Samad Seyidov and ambassador Sylvia Meier-Kajbic.......

ADA holds 2-day PhD Development and Support Program in Washington

11.06.2010 | Readed: 1708

Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy (ADA) held a seminar and workshop in the US capital attracted Azerbaijanis who are pursuing or have recently completed their doctoral research in North America. Speakers delivered presentations on their research of, inter alia, market risk, demand in crude oil......

Four Azerbaijanis become winners of Global Millennium Prize

10.06.2010 | Readed: 1706

A ceremony of awarding winners of the "Global Millennium Prize" International Essay Contest was held, according to Azerbaijan Ministry of Education. Speaking on the state care to education in Azerbaijan, Education Minister Misir Mardanov stressed President Ilham Aliyev`s great......

Belarusian President awarded Baku Slavic University's Diploma of honorary doctor

05.06.2010 | Readed: 1757

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko visited the Baku Slavic University where he was awarded a Diploma of honorary doctor on Friday. Here, the Belarusian President was warmly welcomed by the University's students and teaching staff. Rector of the University Kamal......

Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy, UK University of Glasgow sign cooperation agreement

03.06.2010 | Readed: 1791

The Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy (ADA) and UK-based University of Glasgow have signed an agreement on cooperation. Under the document, ADA and the University of Glasgow will conduct exchange of students and teachers, carry out joint research projects and organize symposiums and lectures.......

International Children's Day celebrated in Azerbaijan

02.06.2010 | Readed: 1787

Azerbaijan has marked the International Children`s Day with an event at the Ministry of Education. Speaking to the conference, Education Minister Misir Mardanov stressed the importance of the fact the International Children`s Day was held in the country "on such a large scale". The......

Azerbaijan, Egypt discuss education cooperation

20.05.2010 | Readed: 1812

Azerbaijani scientists and rectors of some institutions of higher education met Egyptian First Deputy Minister of Education Mohamed G. Abou Ali yesterday. Mohamed G. Abou spoke of the education cooperation between the two countries. He stressed the......

ANAS, IAEA discuss scientific cooperation

18.05.2010 | Readed: 1683

President of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS), academician Mahmud Karimov met with Deputy Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Ana Maria Cetto. Karimov fully informed Ms. Ana Maria Cetto on ANAS reforms for......

Azerbaijan Embassy to United States holds Essay Contest for students

15.05.2010 | Readed: 1787

The Azerbaijan Embassy to the United States carried out a student Essay Contest at the University of Maryland as part of the Year of Ecology announced in Azerbaijan by the President Ilham Aliyev. The contest which was themed as ‘Azerbaijan: most attractive......

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