ADA University, OAS sign cooperation agreement on education and human development

ADA University has signed an agreement with the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (OAS) with the aim of strengthening education and human development in the Americas and in Azerbaijan through scholarship programs, the exchange of students and teachers between the ADA University and universities in the OAS member states, and participation in research projects, conferences and cultural programs.
The document was signed by Rector of ADA University Hafiz Pashayev and the OAS Executive Secretary for Integral Development, Sherry Tross, on behalf of the OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, at an event held at OAS headquarters in Washington, DC.
Speaking to the event, OAS Secretary for External Relations, Alfonso Quiñonez noted the importance the Organization assigns to this type of agreements "as they provide a framework for cooperation and coordination of activities with clear priorities and focused on goals." The agreement with the educational institution in Azerbaijan, he said, "increases the linkages and further understanding between our peoples" and "is part of the importance we place on our relationships with observer countries, given the richness that their perspective brings to the Inter-American agenda."
ADA University Rector Pashayev emphasized the importance his country attaches to its relations with the countries of the Americas and highlighted the international vision that characterizes ADA University. "We are an educational entity that seeks to provide a broad cultural wealth accomplished through the participation of students from various countries. This agreement represents an opportunity to attract more students from this part of the world and to let us be known as an institution dedicated to preparing innovative leaders and promoting useful and collaborative research."
The OAS Executive Secretary for Integral Development, Sherry Tross, welcomed the opportunity to work more closely with the university of the Eurasian country "to offer opportunities for students across the Americas to improve their lives and their environment." She recalled that the OAS "sees human development and education as absolutely central components for sustainable and inclusive development to be able to transform a large number of our citizens." Cooperation is central to achieving the objectives of the OAS, she added, because "to the extent that we have partners, not only in the Americas but also outside, that are aligned with us in terms of the goals and objectives, that will give us the power to multiply the impact and reach more people, which is an asset for us, for you and for the people of our region," she said.
The OAS brings together all 35 independent states of the Americas and constitutes the main political, juridical, and social governmental forum in the Hemisphere. In addition, it has granted permanent observer status to 69 states, as well as to the European Union (EU).

Yusif Babanly
Special Correspondent


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