ADA University launched studies program for foreign diplomats

ADA University launches studies program which will last until 16th of September.
This year 15 high-ranked diplomats from Kazakhstan, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Malaysia, Pakistan, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Morocco, Bahrain, Yemen, Sudan and Tajikistan are participating in the program. Among the trainers of the course there are professors and researchers of ADA University, representatives of Center for Strategic Studies, State Oil Company, State Oil Fund, embassies and the Parliament.
Caspian Basin Studies (CBS) is a certificate program that offers a unique opportunity for foreign diplomats and civil servants to explore and study the in-depths of the Caspian Basin region. It provides participants with knowledge about the region's diverse and rich history and culture, demographic makeup, ethnic and territorial conflicts, trade and economic affairs, and issues of geopolitics and regional security.
The program was established in the 2010. Since that time till now 5 Turkish diplomats, 45 diplomats from Asia, Africa, Latin America and Caribbean basin countries as well as 11 researchers and students from USA have participated in the program.
The program includes field trips to Azerbaijan's oil and natural gas facilities along the Caspian Sea coast, including the Sangachal Terminal, and other historical towns along the Ancient Silk Road.
At the end of the program, all participants receive an ADA University certificate of completion.


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