ADA University launches “Go to Asia” project

A presentation of the project titled “Go to Asia” has today been held at ADA University.
Rector of ADA University, Deputy Foreign Minister Hafiz Pashayev has made a speech at the event.
Mr. Pashayev noted that ADA University’s students of the Masters program in International Affairs visited Mongolia, Vietnam and Japan in order to explore the business environment of the Asian continent in March.
The ADA University rector pointed out the aim of the project was to enhance the business interests of Azerbaijan and to research investment opportunities in these countries.
Mr. Pashayev said the project was dedicated to Vietnam, Mongolia and Japan of the Asian continent that are relatively stable and economically promising.
The rector noted political, economic, social and cultural environment of those countries has been researched and Azerbaijan's business opportunities were assessed accordingly.
Mr. Pashayev thanked the “Azerenergy” OSC and “Mitsubishi” company for supporting the project.
Addressing the event, Azerbaijani Deputy Foreign Minister Araz Azimov stressed the importance of the “Go to Asia” project.


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