ADA University launches new “Baku dialogues” project

ADA University has started new long-term series of events called “Baku dialogues”.
The first “Davos-style” open discussion entitled “China’s geostrategy in Eurasia” was held with Dean of the School of International Studies at Peking University Wang Jisi.
Wang Jisi was named one of the Top 100 Global Thinkers by the “Foreign Policy” magazine in 2012.
Rector of the ADA University, Deputy Foreign Minster Hafiz Pashayev spoke of the importance of the project.
The objective of the Baku Dialogues is to make Baku known as a center for discussion, exchange of information, and research at a senior level, and as a meeting place for ideas, concepts and opinions on major world issues. The Baku Dialogues are also intended to stimulate academic research on the subjects discussed, and to produce materials which will be useful to academic researchers around the world. For these reasons, the Baku Dialogues will be reproduced in an on-line ADA Quarterly (initially bi-annual) publication called “Baku Dialogues.”
The Baku Dialogues may also spawn subsidiary meetings and discussion sessions in other world capitals and centers of reflection, as the concept becomes more broadly known.
Dean of the School of International Studies at Peking University Wang Jisi made a speech at the event.
He provided an insight into the Chinese economy and geostrategic position in Eurasia.
He noted China had developed from economic aspect and said the country was interested in expanding bilateral ties with Azerbaijan.
Wang Jisi also recalled meeting of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and Chairman of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping in Shanghai on the sidelines of the 4th Summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA).
The Baku Dialogues is an overall concept covering a range of discussion events to be developed over time. The concept is to arrange for presentations on key world issues by leading world personalities, followed by direct “Davos-style” open discussions among relevant academics and other actors, on central world issues, for the purpose of academic examination and research on these issues.


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