MoU on establishing Scientific Center of Azerbaijan and Caucasian Studies named after Nizami Ganjavi to be opened at Oxford University

A memorandum of understanding on establishing the Scientific Center of Azerbaijan and Caucasian Studies named after Nizami Ganjavi at the Oxford University has been signed as part of the visit of Moscow State University Baku branch rector, co-chairperson of the Anglo-Azerbaijani Society, Professor Nargiz Pashayeva.
Director of International Development at the University of Oxford Liesl Elder and co-chairperson of the Anglo-Azerbaijani Society, Professor Nargiz Pashayeva signed the memorandum.
Co-chairperson of the Anglo-Azerbaijani Society Nargiz Pashayeva delivered a report on the creativity and valuable heritage of the great Azerbaijani poet and thinker Nizami Ganjavi.
The event brought together Professor of Oriental Studies of Oxford University Edmund Herzig, Professor Julie Bray, Dr. Geert Jan van Gelder and Professor on Islamic History Robert Hoyland, professor Theo M. van Lint, the Head of the Oriental Section of Bodleian Library Dr. Gillian Evison, Assistant Curator of Islamic Art of Ashmolean museum Francesca Leoni, Project officer at Bodleian Library Alasdair Watson.
Azerbaijani scientist of oriental studies, dean of theology faculty of the Baku State University Vasim Mammadaliyev also attended the event at the invitation of Professor Nargiz Pashayeva.


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