UK website “The Pie News” issues article about State Programme on Education of Azerbaijani Youth Abroad

British portal “The Pie News” has posted an article about the State Programme on Education of Azerbaijani Youth Abroad.
The article says: “A further 29 Azerbaijani students have been awarded scholarships to study in Europe and North America following 24 announced earlier this month and 41 in July through the government-backed State Programme on Education of Azerbaijani Youth Abroad.
Funded through the State Oil Fund, the programme aims to fill skills gaps in the country, encouraging students to study engineering, computer science, law and public health at the world’s top universities. As interest in the programme grows, the Ministry of Education says it doesn’t expect scholarships for the 2013-2014 academic year to be less than 400.
“The State Programme was launched by a Presidential initiative back in 2007 with a view to providing Azerbaijani students with scholarships to fund their education in the best foreign universities and building-up a national cadre of skilled experts who will contribute to the sustainable development of the country,” a Ministry of Education spokesperson told The PIE News.
The MoE also confirmed it is conducting a “feasibility study of a career-planning scheme” in order to ensure employment opportunities for graduates when they return.
“The objective is to get the employers and graduates to engage with each other early and intensely, making sure the graduates acquire the skills that the employers will value, which in turn will lead to a seamless merging of interests of both sides,” they said.
The ministry has highlighted the need for highly trained personnel with skills in foreign languages, IT and international diplomacy in particular. Additional fields promoted by the government include law, business management, social and political sciences.
Two thirds of delegates in the latest cohort will study in the UK, while others will travel to the USA, Canada, Switzerland and other countries in Europe to complete Bachelor, Master’s and Doctorate degree courses.
So far 1,825 scholarships have been granted, with 533 students already graduated. During the 2012-2013 academic year, over 600 Azerbaijani students were awarded scholarships to study at universities around the world through the programme”.


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