Baku branch of Moscow State University holds graduation ceremony

On July 13th the Baku branch of Moscow State University after M. Lomonosov held a graduation ceremony.
Russian Ambassador to Azerbaijan Vladimir Dorokhin, staff members of Moscow State University and Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, ministers, rectors of higher educational institutes, MPs and students` parents attended the event.
MSU Baku branch rector, professor Nargiz Pashayeva made a speech at the event. She called the graduation ceremony “one of the most remarkable days for the Baku branch of Moscow State University”. “The university plays a central part in strengthening the relations between the two countries` people and bringing their civil societies closer to each other,” she added.
Nargiz Pashayeva thanked Victor Sadovnichiy, rector of Moscow State University.
Yuri Zinchenko, Psychology Faculty Head at MSU, Russian Psychological Society’s President read out Victor Sadovnichiy`s letter of greetings.
Zinchenko presented professor Nargiz Pashayeva a diploma of the Russian Psychological Society.
Nargiz Pashayeva, ANAS president Akif Alizade, Ambassador Dorokhin, MSU professors Yuri Zinchenko, Vladimiz Zhlomanov and rector Yuri Sadovnichiy presented diplomas to graduates.


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