MSU rector visits Baku branch

On September 2nd rector of the Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) Viktor Sadovnichy visited the higher educational institution's Baku branch where he met Rector Nargiz Pashayeva.
Sadovnichy is part of a delegation accompanying Russian President Dmitry Medvedev who is on an official visit in Baku.
Pashayeva informed the MSU Rector of the Baku branch's activity. She said the branch enrolls 263 students.
Sadovnichy highlighted the prospects for cooperation between the MSU and the Baku branch. He said he brought "The 21st century's university" books for the Baku branch's students.
Pashayeva proposed establishing a Lomonosov stipend for the distinguished students.
Sadovnichy praised the activities of the MSU`s Baku branch, saying education process and organizational issues here meet highest standards.



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