Azerbaijan, Egypt discuss education cooperation

Azerbaijani scientists and rectors of some institutions of higher education met Egyptian First Deputy Minister of Education Mohamed G. Abou Ali yesterday.
Mohamed G. Abou spoke of the education cooperation between the two countries.
He stressed the necessity of conducting exchange of students and teachers between the two countries` institutions of higher education.
He also proposed opening of a branch of Azerbaijan State Oil Academy in one of the universities in his country.
Attending the meeting, Egyptian ambassador Sabir Abdulgadir Mansur spoke of friendly relations between Azerbaijan and Egypt.
President of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Mahmud Karimov, rector of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Siyavush Garayev, academician Vasim Mammadaliyev spoke of the role of science and education in contemporary world.
They also expressed confidence that relevant cooperation between the two countries would develop in the future.







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