President of European Council awarded diploma of honorary doctor

On July 5th President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy was awarded with a diploma and a mantle of the honorary doctor of Azerbaijan University of Languages (AUL).
Rector of AUL, MP Samad Seyidov told of history, activity and international relations of the University.
The rector said in accordance with a decision of the University`s Scientific Council, Rompuy was presented a diploma for his special merits in strengthening of friendly relations between Azerbaijan and the EU and widening of international cooperation in science and education.
The President of the European Union expressed his gratitude for presenting him a title of honorary doctor of Azerbaijani University of Languages.
Rompuy told of importance of friendly and partnership relations between Azerbaijan and the EU. He stressed Azerbaijan`s significance as energy resources producing and transit country and hailed its cooperation with the European Union in energy sector. He praised dynamic development of Azerbaijan in all fields and growing prestige on international arena over the past years.



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