Cooperation between Azerbaijan National Aviation Academy and National Academy of Sciences of Belarus discussed

Baku hosted a forum dedicated to the issues of expansion of scientific and technological cooperation between the national academies of sciences of Belarus and Azerbaijan and the Azerbaijan National Aviation Academy.


Speaking at the Forum, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Leonid Gerasimovich and Director of the Research Institute of Transport and Aerospace Problems of the Azerbaijan National Aviation Academy, Professor Bahadur Tagiyev stressed that the development of modern world is based on advances in science and technology and innovation. The delegates emphasized that the thesis "A strong science - a strong economy" is becoming more and more relevant in a globalizing world.
Belarusian scientist Leonid Gerasimovich said, "In recent years Azerbaijan has been intensively developed different areas of science. We appreciate the efforts of President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan on this issue. We are very pleased with the successful activities of the Azerbaijan National Aviation Academy. The role of academician Arif Pashayev in preparation of national cadres in the field of aviation is highly regarded in Belarus. The scientific and technological cooperation between the Azerbaijan National Aviation Academy and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus reached a new level of development. As a result of these relationships, our scientists have discovered new features of the ultraviolet ray. This research will allow creating environmentally friendly sources of white light. Our scientists are planning a joint production of LED technology. With the consent of academician Arif Pashayev a new pilot project on the coverage area of the National Academy of Aviation is underway. At the initiative of the rector Arif Pashayev Azerbaijan National Academy of Aviation conducts research jointly with the Center for Optoelectronic Technology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. This work will also be reflected in the joint resolution of the governments of Azerbaijan and Belarus."


Professor Bahadur Tagiyev added that Azerbaijan National Academy of Aviation intends to purchase equipment for educational laboratory from the Scientific-Production Center "Technologist" based in Belarusian city of Grodno. Intensive negotiations on the issue are underway. "We are interested in the development of scientific relations with our Belarusian colleagues,"- said Tagiev.



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