Former EANA President to give lectures at Baku State University

Former president of the European Alliance of News Agencies Wolfgang Vyslozil will give lectures at the Baku State University (BSU).
It was agreed during Vyslozil`s meeting with BSU rector Abel Maharramov. The two also exchanged views on education system in Azerbaijan, European education standards and media-related issues.
Vyslozil is former Chief Executive Officer of Austrian News Agency. He was executive member of the Board and Chairman of the Management of APA-Austria Presse Agency in 1982-2008. He is Knight of the Grand Decoration of Honour of the Republic of Austria "Media Manager of the Year". He also acted as a President of the European Alliance of News Agencies (EANA) in 1989-1990 and 2006-2009.
The EANA former President was accompanied by Dr. Julia Wippersberg from the University of Vienna.



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