Azerbaijani Education Minister meets representatives of US Georgia University

Azerbaijan`s Minister of Education Misir Mardanov met with US Georgia University`s President Mark Becker, dean of facility`s Robinson College of Business Fenwick Huss and professor Bijan Fazlollahi.
Speaking in the meeting, the Azerbaijani Minister briefed the visitors on achievements, progress achieved to streamline national education system. Mardanov noted there are 15 private universities in the country.
Mardanov also underlined the importance of Georgia University`s collaboration with Azerbaijan`s State Oil Academy, University of Azerbaijan and Odlar Yurdu University.
In turn, Becker praised the progress gained in the education sector in Azerbaijan. He expressed confidence for further development of cooperation between the two countries` universities. Becker also spoke of joint projects realized with the University of Azerbaijan.
Georgia University`s President provided information on facility`s international relations.



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