International conference on Nasir al-Din al-Tusi kicks off in Baku

On June 16th An international conference to mark the 810th anniversary of great scientist Nasir al-Din al-Tusi has commenced here.
The conference was opened by President of the National Academy of Sciences Mahmud Karimov, who told of the scientist`s life and activity.
The three-day conference was attended by academics from USA, Russia, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Germany, Sweden and Azerbaijan.
An exhibition of books and materials on Tusi in Persian was organized as part of the conference.
Nasir al-Din Tusi was born in the city of Tus in South Azerbaijan in the year 1201 and began his studies at an early age. In Hamadan and Tus he studied the Qur'an, Hadith, Shi'a jurisprudence, logic, philosophy, mathematics, medicine and astronomy.



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