New Atomic and Nuclear Physics laboratory established at Baku branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University

Rector of the Baku branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University, academician Nargiz Pashayeva has met with scientists of the University's Research Institute of Nuclear Physics who in Baku to organize work of the Baku branch's newly established Atomic and Nuclear Physics laboratory.

The delegation included leading scientists in the field of nuclear physics, Deputy Director of the Nuclear Physics Research Institute of Moscow State University, Associate Professor at the Department of General Nuclear Physics of the university Evgeny Shirokov, and head of Laboratory of General and Special Workshop of Nuclear Physics Research Institute, Associate Professor Vladimir Radchenko.

Addressing the event, academician Nargiz Pashayeva noted that the opening of the faculty of physics and the establishment of the new study and research laboratories at the branch marks a new and a crucial stage in the development of fundamental sciences not only at the university, but in Azerbaijan.

Nargiz Pashayeva said that the Baku branch pays special attention to increasing scientific potential of young researchers in the field of humanitarian and fundamental sciences.

Employees of Moscow State University Evgeny Shirokov and Vladimir Radchenko noted that since its establishment the Baku branch has gained rich experience in preparing highly-qualified specialists and conducting fundamental researches.


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