US Ambassador visits Baku branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University

US Ambassador to Azerbaijan Robert Cekuta has visited Baku branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University to meet its Head, Academician Nargiz Pashayeva.

Nargiz Pashayeva highlighted the activity of the University, as well as its future development.

They talked about the University`s current international relations, as well as its cooperation with University of Oxford.

The Academician spoke of the activity of Scientific Center of Azerbaijan and Caucasian Studies named after Nizami Ganjavi at Oxford University.

The Center is involved in research, academic exchange, scientific and practical conferences, scholarship programs, implementation of cultural projects. One of the functions of the Center is to collect scientific information, resource and library fund related to Azerbaijan.

The popularization of science and public figures of Azerbaijan through the translation and publication of their work in English, French and German is an important part of the Center's activity. It also develops educational and knowledge-based activities on the content of the program center for the 2015-2020 years.

Academician Nargiz Pashayeva touched upon excavation works carried out in Barda, which was the capital of Caucasian Albania in the late period of the Roman Empire.”

Ambassador Robert Cekuta expressed confidence that Scientific Center of Azerbaijan and Caucasian Studies named after Nizami Ganjavi will carry out a number of great projects over the future.

Nargiz Pashayeva also highlighted the activity of the British Foundation for the Study of Azerbaijan and the Caucasus that officially registered in UK.

Ambassador Robert Cekuta thanked for the meeting and said relations between Azerbaijan and the US dynamically develop and expand.


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