Meeting on vocational and secondary education

A meeting was held at the Ministry of Education with employees of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Agency for Development of Professional Communities and Skilled Workers, and Azerbaijan office of the Russian Information and Culture Center.

The meeting focused on the development of vocational and secondary education as well asWorldSkills movement. Participants of the meeting discussed vocational and secondary education system in Azerbaijan and Russia, and prospects for its development. The event featured presentations on the monitoring and evaluation of the quality of the development of skilled workers in accordance with WorldSkills movement and WorldSkills Russia standards. The participants also discussed the exchange of experience and knowledge between specialists of the two countries.

A group of students at Azerbaijani vocational education institutions were invited to WorldSkills Russia championship to be held on May 17-19. The sides reached agreement, under which Azerbaijan will benefit from Russia`s experience with the aim of joining WorldSkills movement and competing in WorldSkills championship.

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