10th Azerbaijan International Education Exhibition opens

The 10th Anniversary Azerbaijan International Education Exhibition, the only event in the field of education in Azerbaijan, has opened at the Baku Expo Center.

This year, representatives of universities, colleges and other educational institutions from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, and other countries will introduce their educational programs to visitors of the exhibition, organizers say.

The exhibition will present bachelor`s, master`s and postgraduate programs, including second higher education and MBA courses, foreign language for business courses, internships and training sessions.

Visitors will have the opportunity to speak to representatives of leading higher education institutions to learn about the application process, best ways of preparing for it, the timescales for supplying documents, the price of education, the ranking of institutions and subjects, and many other issues.

Entry to the exhibition will be open for 9th and 10th grade students, as well as their parents, applicants, students, principals, university rectors, economic affairs vice-principals and other industry professionals.

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