Pakistani National Management College staff visit Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy

Senior and mid-level public servants from Pakistan, studying at the National Management College (NMC) visited Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy (ADA) to acquire information on the developments of the institution and its future plans.
According to the Academy, the visitors were told on courses taught at the ADA as well as research projects for the region. They were also informed about the challenges for foreign policy created by the war in Nagorno-Karabakh and the aftermath of occupation lasting for nearly 20 years.
Dean of the National Management College Rahat-ul-Ain spoke about their positive impressions of Azerbaijan, the rapid economic development and educational initiatives undertaken by the government. He emphasized that current government policy will lay a solid foundation for future developments in Azerbaijan.
Both sides expressed their satisfaction with the long history of close relations between their countries, which is also reflected at the international stage, and discussed the perspectives for cooperation between ADA and NMC.
ADA has also offered a full scholarship for Pakistani citizens wishing to study at Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy.







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