Baku Summer Energy School kicks off at ADA University

An official opening of the 9th Baku Summer Energy School (BSES) was held at the ADA University.

This year's BSES co-organized by the Caspian Center for Energy and Environment (CCEE) and SOCAR brought together energy specialists from 17 countries.

Rector of the ADA University, ambassador Hafiz Pashayev and SOCAR Vice-President Khalig Mammadov welcomed BSES participants and wished them successes.

Mr. Pashayev said Baku Summer Energy School (BSES) attended by high-ranking officials of governmental and private sectors were engaged in oil and gas production in the Caspian region, as well as energy security in the region gained popularity among the international specialists and attracted representatives of political, scientific, and business circles.

SOCAR Vice-President Khalig Mammadov highlighted Azerbaijan's historical role in world oil and gas production.

Throughout the program, BSES participants will study a wide range of issues, such as fundamentals of energy, energy law, economics and politics of energy, environmental impacts, and strategic management. As usual, a special focus of the program will be on the Caspian Basin, including regional pipeline network development, geopolitics of the Caspian and its legal status, and the strategic outlook of SOCAR. Environmental issues, as well as revenue and resource management, will also be emphasized throughout the course of the program.

During the last 8 years 350 national and international experts graduated from the ADA University's BSES.


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