Baku unites world`s philologists

The 4th conference on comparative study of literature and 1st symposium on teaching Turkish languages and literature to the memory of people`s poet Bakhtiyar Bahabzade started in Baku.
The events are held with support of Baku Slavonic University (BSU), Azerbaijan Association of Comparative Literature and Turkish Gazi University.
Rector of BSU Kamal Abdullayev told of cooperation of the University with the world`s leading universities, large-scale projects and significance of the conference and symposium. He said the events brought together scientists from more than 20 countries, including Turkey, Russia, US, Brazil, Sweden, Australia, Iran, Bulgaria and Georgia.
The scientists will meet with students of BSU, give master-classes and see the sights of Baku.
The events will end on October 23.









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