ADA University, University of Houston sign MoU

On January 15th, ADA University and the University of Houston signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation.
The Memorandum was inked by rector of ADA University Hafiz Pashayev and president of the University of Houston Renu Khator.
Under the deal, the two universities agreed to cooperate for creating new opportunities for their teachers, professors and students, and
contribute to the development of regional understanding between Azerbaijan and the USA, and Baku and Houston through joint projects.
The MoU will also see ADA University and the University of Houston carry out researches in the field of energy, and organize short-term qualification and masters programs, including the exchange of students.
ADA University closely cooperates with a number of universities in the USA, UK, France, Italy, Japan, Argentina, the Netherlands, China and Lithuania.


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