Microsoft ICT Academy launched at Baku Higher Oil School

The ICT Academy of the Microsoft Company has been established at the Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS). The Academy was created for the training of highly qualified personnel in the field of information technology.

In the future, students and teachers of all educational institutions will be able to participate at the Academy. BHOS will provide students with high-quality learning technologies of “Microsoft” Company for the development of professional knowledge and skills. The program's capabilities are extensive, so trainings of applications and special computer programs used by professional experts are planned. Students who have passed certification exams of “Microsoft” Company successfully can make their own career in the field of information technologies.

Participation in the program is beneficial in several ways. Competitive advantage, to attract investments of employers, to save the time of teachers, improve the quality of educational services in the field of ICT, cost reduction of software, permanent legal license, implementation of competent approach in the teaching of ICT subjects, to ensure vocational trainings of the students in labor market and other issues are planned for higher education graduates.

On the basis of the acquired knowledge, students would be able to build a professional career, after receiving international certificates Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP). In the future, students from other universities will also be able to take part in this program.



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