ADA University holds trainings for foreign diplomats

Qualification Programs of ADA University have started a training course for the foreign diplomats to last through November 19-27.
Vice-rector of ADA University Fariz Ismayilzade said the aim of the course was to give diplomats and civil servants detailed information about the region of the Caspian Sea basin.
During the course, participants will be informed about the region's history, culture, demographics, ethnic and territorial conflicts, trade and economic relations, geopolitical, regional security and other issues.
16 high and middle-ranking diplomats working in Afghanistan, Argentina, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, China, Colombia, Croatia, Egypt, Malaysia, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Spain and Turkmenistan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs will attend the course. ADA University professors and researchers including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan State Oil Fund, representatives of embassies and members of parliament will be among the trainers.
The participants will visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sangachal terminal, Sheki and Gabala regions in the framework of program.


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