Baku hosts 7th International Banking Conference

On November 14th, the 7th International Banking Conference kicked off in Baku under the support of CIS Financial and Banking Council, International Bank of Azerbaijan (IBA) and CIS Executive Committee.
Opening the conference, Chairman of the CIS Executive Committee Sergey Lebedev noted the wide interest in conference which is held already for the seventh time. “It is the accurate indicator of its importance”, he stressed. “This conference is the authoritative business platform which is equitable to interests of the CIS”. Having called Azerbaijan the active participant of interstate cooperation on CIS space promoting strengthening of the Commonwealth, S. Lebedev quoted the words of President Ilham Aliyev who stated at the CIS summit in Minsk in October this year: “The CIS is a platform of cooperation, interaction, discussion of topical issues of regional, international life”.
The chairman of the Board International Bank of Azerbaijan Jahangir Hajiyev said the conference discusses development of financial and investment cooperation among the CIS countries. Moreover, features of mutual activity among the financial markets in CIS countries in the circumstance of political and economic whirlpool, sources of long-term credit resources in the CIS countries, balance between risks and opportunities during application of world and national payment systems, role of central banks of the CIS member states in the integration of financial markets of these countries, motive factors affecting development of world payment infrastructure, main problems in money transfers and payment system, future of money transfers and payment markets – new players and technologies, as well as development ways and other topics will be discussed at the conference.
The conference is being attended by representatives of financial and banking organizations of the most CIS countries, several international organizations, banking and insurance organizations of Azerbaijan.
The conference will last 2 days.



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