Iranian Minister: Hassan Rouhani`s visit will contribute significantly to the deepening of our relations with Azerbaijan

The Iranian Minister of Communications and Information Technology has expressed confidence that the forthcoming visit of President Hassan Rouhani to Azerbaijan will be an important step towards developing relations between the two countries.
“The visit of Hassan Rouhani will contribute significantly to the deepening of bilateral relations between Iran and Azerbaijan,” Mahmoud Vaezi told president of Azerbaijan`s state oil firm Rovnag Abdullayev as he is in Baku to deal with final preparations ahead of the Iranian President`s visit.
Mr. Vaezi, who is also a co-chair of the Iranian-Azerbaijani joint economic, trade and humanitarian commission, hailed cooperation between the two countries in the fields of oil and gas, adding there was huge potential to expand this interaction.
Mr. Abdullayev lauded the role of reciprocal visits in speeding up dialogue between energy companies of the two countries.



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