Azerbaijani, Uzbek customs committees sign cooperation plan

Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan have signed a plan of cooperation in the fields of customs for 2015-216 and a protocol on the initial exchange of information between the two countries’ customs services about goods and vehicles passing the state border.
The documents were inked by chairman of Azerbaijan`s State Customs Committee Aydin Aliyev and Chairman of the Uzbek State Committee on Customs Zokhid Dusanov.
Before the signing ceremony the two discussed ways of strengthening the bilateral cooperation. Mr. Aliyev highlighted the activities of the Azerbaijani customs authorities, as well as reforms carried out in the country to improve the quality of customs service.
Mr. Dusanov spoke of what has been done to modernize customs services in Uzbekistan. He said electronic services are widely applied in customs services in his country.
Mr. Dusanov said Uzbekistan was determined to deepen cooperation with Azerbaijan in the field of customs.


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