Training on return and readmission starts in Baku

On July 24th a training called "Return and Readmission" as part of the Migration EU expertise (MIEUX) kicked off in Azerbaijan`s capital.
The event is arranged by Azerbaijan Coordinator of ICMPD Oleg Kiritsa and international expert from Hungary Vida Gabor.
The event is initiated by the Azerbaijan Migration Service, with support of the European Union (EU) and the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD).
A three-day training brings together employees of the State Migration Service, the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Internal Affairs, the State Border Service, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR, International Migration Organization office in Azerbaijan and others.
Migration EU expertise `MIEUX` is a joint EU-ICMPD initiative that aims to enhance the capacities of partner countries and regional organizations to better address all areas of migration through a comprehensive approach to migration management. Following the successful completion of its initial phase, MIEUX has now entered its second phase: MIEUX II (2012-2014). MIEUX II continues to provide short-term technical assistance to both national and regional administrations worldwide, but now offers a larger and broader scope of intervention to encompass all thematic areas of migration management. In addition to technical assistance in managing irregular migration and mixed migration flows, the scope now includes legal migration, labour migration, migration and development, migrant rights and asylum and protection systems.



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