Azerbaijani minister of finance participates in ADB`s annual meeting

The Azerbaijani minister of finance Samir Sharifov participated in the 45th annual meeting of the ADB Board of Governors in Manila, the capital of Philippines. 
Sharifov and ADB President Haruhiko Kuroda touched on social and economic development of Azerbaijan, simultaneous economic growth and diversification, large-scale projects being implemented by ADB in Azerbaijan and prospects of cooperation.
Sharifov conveyed greetings of President Ilham Aliyev to Kudora. The minister thanked ADB President for supporting Azerbaijan in conducting of the annual meeting of the ADB Board of Governors in 2015.
Kuroda hailed economic growth of Azerbaijan adding the ADB will support the government of Azerbaijan in development of the non-oil sector.
Azeri minister also met with ADB`s Secretary General, Director General and Executive director, vice-president of Japan`s JICA company to discuss prospects of cooperation.



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