37th session of European Commission on Agriculture kicks off in Baku

On April 17th, the 37th session of European Commission on Agriculture started here.
The session hosted by Azerbaijan`s Ministry of Agriculture has brought together officials of 54 European and Central Asian member-state of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, as well as representatives of other UN organizations, several Intergovernmental and International Non-Governmental Organizations.
Addressing the session, Deputy Agricultural Minister Ilham Guliyev stressed the importance of the event.
The deputy Minister highlighted the country`s achievements in the agrarian sector.
Assistant Director General of FAO, Representative for Europe and Central Asia Fernanda Guerrieri hailed the fact 38 percent of the Azerbaijanis work in agriculture.
The two-day conference will feature discussions on the European Commission`s 2012-2013 working program and budget for the Europe and Central Asia, debates on land and gender equality.



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