International ICT exhibition opens in Baku

The largest event in ICT field in the Caspian basin and the Caucasus, BakuTel 2011, kicked off in Azerbaijan`s capital on November 23rd.
Over the past 17 years, the exhibition has become a key event and essential part the country`s telecommunications market.
The exhibition is organized by Iteca Caspian LLC, part of ITE Group Plc (UK) with the active support of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
More than 250 companies from 29 countries will gather in Baku in order to demonstrate new products and services.
The regular participants were joined by a lot of new companies who will demonstrate their technologies and services to a wide range of professionals in the region.
About 18 national expositions of Austria, Belarus, Hungary, France, Israel, Iran, Spain, Canada, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and other countries are on display for the first time in the exhibition.
Bakutel brings together major domestic and international manufacturers and distributors, telecoms operators and service companies.
As in previous years, BakuTel will include a conference called "Telecommunications and Information Technologies" - organized by the Ministry of Communication and Information Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The conference will take place in the conference hall of the Hyatt Regency hotel on Thursday.
This year, the date of the annual BakuTel exhibition has been timed to coincide with the anniversary of communications in Azerbaijan. 130 years ago, the Nobel brothers installed the first telephone line in Baku and, since then, Azerbaijan has continued to develop the telecoms industry. To mark this important anniversary of the ICT industry, BakuTel includes a comprehensive business programme, with special events and lots of interesting activities for visitors.
The exhibitions will culminate on Saturday.



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